Warren Buffett antara orang yang Obama percaya dan kemungkinan besar akan menjadi pembantu beliau untuk menyelesaikan krisis ekonomi U.S. Salah satu cadangan yang Warren Buffet cadangkan pada tahun 2003 ialah masalah trade defisit - trade balance dan solutionnya ialah:-
" We would achieve this [trade] balance by issuing what I will call Import Certificates (ICs) to all U.S. exporters in an amount equal to the dollar value of their exports. Each exporter would, in turn, sell the ICs to parties – either exporters abroad or importers here – wanting to get goods into the U.S. To import $1 million of goods, for example, an importer would need ICs that were the byproduct of $1 million of exports. The inevitable result: trade balance"
Without this plan, he said, the dollar and our economy would crash as our debt became untenable.
" We would achieve this [trade] balance by issuing what I will call Import Certificates (ICs) to all U.S. exporters in an amount equal to the dollar value of their exports. Each exporter would, in turn, sell the ICs to parties – either exporters abroad or importers here – wanting to get goods into the U.S. To import $1 million of goods, for example, an importer would need ICs that were the byproduct of $1 million of exports. The inevitable result: trade balance"
Without this plan, he said, the dollar and our economy would crash as our debt became untenable.
salam JC...
lama tak nampak... just nak tanya opinion on lower UK interest rate..
logically, GJ should priced lower than EJ - since UK rate is mow lower than EUR rate...
wat's your comment?
Good Questions... Kalau merujuk kepada price samada GJ should lower than EJ.. rasanya kena calculate based on GU x UJ = GJ & EU x UJ = EJ..
Perbezaan interest rate antara Dollar, Pound, Yen & Dollar akan menyebabkan samada carry trade akan menarik minat orang ker tak... Buat masa sekarang bila rate dari U.S 1%.. mungkin orang prefer borrow money dari USD berbanding dengan JPY..
Tapi buat masa sekarang; fear of recession menyebabkan EUR & GBP stress untuk rate cut untuk promote growth... dan control inflation; dan masalah utama sekarang inflation naik bukan sebab GROWTH tetapi respon dari OIL PRICE.. so susah nak elak recession; rate direction akan further down i think..
Ntahlah Bro.. harap menjawap soalan Bro..
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